Join us for our next PMAD Provider Training on Monday, May 1st! RSVP Here
Clinical Training Program
At The Motherhood Center, we are committed to training the next generation of providers in the field of maternal mental health. Through our rich clinical program as well as direct supervision and expert didactic series, each advanced trainee is given the support they need to add to their pre-existing clinical education in the mental health field. We aim to create empathic and highly skilled clinicians that will contribute to an overall improvement in maternal mental health outcomes in the patients we treat at The Motherhood Center and wherever their careers might take them.

Open Positions
Postdoctoral Fellowship In Perinatal Psychology 2023-2024
Length of program & time commitment: Full-time position is 12 months, (37.5 hours per week); the part-time position is up to two years contingent on a schedule mutually agreed upon. The start date of the postdoctoral training year is contingent on when the applicant completes their internship placement and has obtained an NYS limited permit.
Description of setting: The Motherhood Center specializes in serving women with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders who come from different socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. TMC houses both a Partial Hospitalization Program and Outpatient Department, singular in the NYC metropolitan area. The Motherhood Center is pleased to extend its commitment to excellence in academic training to postdoctoral applicants interested in learning how to treat women in the perinatal period across the continuum of care in both an acute, short-term partial hospital setting as well as in ongoing long-term outpatient psychotherapy. The Motherhood Center treats psychiatric issues related to the adjustment to and complications of motherhood including but not limited to: depression, anxiety, identity shifts, trauma, pre-existing psychiatric diagnoses, infertility, reproductive psychiatry, and perinatal loss. Our acute and intensive Partial Hospital Program treatment model offers short-term care for the stabilization of acute symptoms related to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. The Partial Hospitalization Program offers services daily from 10 am-3 pm, with five group therapy sessions each day, as well as individual therapy, family therapy, and medication management. The average length of stay is from four to eight weeks. Each patient is assigned a treatment team consisting of an individual therapist and psychiatrist. A fully staffed nursery is available onsite for women to bring their babies to facilitate attachment and bonding during partial hospitalization program hours. The Outpatient Program provides evaluation, consultation, individual, dyadic, family, and group psychotherapy for women with perinatal mental health issues.
JOB DESCRIPTION OF STANDARD POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP ROLES:- Conduct psychiatric intakes with diagnosis, treatment planning and coordination of care with outside providers.
- Conduct individual psychotherapy for outpatient and/or partial hospitalization program, with a specific focus on optimizing treatment for perinatal patients through an integrative approach. Individual psychotherapy may be informed by psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, dialectical behavioral and/or dyadic orientations.
- Conduct group psychotherapy sessions. The PHP includes groups with a variety of focuses, including interpersonal process groups, DBT/CBT skills groups, and Dyadic therapy. Five groups run daily for partial hospitalization program patients. Fellows will have the opportunity to either co-lead or independently facilitate one group therapy session each day.
- Conduct family sessions as needed focused on relationship dynamics that contribute to or maintain the patient’s experience of PMADs. Supervision in family and couples therapy is available with an expert in the field to hone various therapeutic interventions addressing the management of current stressors, communication patterns, adjustment to new roles, and addressing adaptive and maladaptive intergenerational patterns in the family.
- Attend and participate in multiple weekly rounds with an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers. This role requires collaboration with all members of The Motherhood Center staff and interaction with both Partial Hospitalization Program patients and Outpatient Program patients. Weekly group supervision on dyadic techniques and group dynamics in addition to individual supervision will be provided for OP/PHP cases.
Caseloads: Patients present to TMC for treatment with PMADs, attachment/bonding issues, traumatic birth experiences, adjustment to motherhood, or perinatal loss. All fellows will conduct psychiatric intakes, lead therapy groups, and will have opportunities to participate in dyadic and family/couple's treatment within both the OP/PHP programs. The full-time fellow has opportunities to work primarily in OP with 18-22 patients or OP/PHP with a caseload of 7-10 OP patients while also carrying a caseload of 3-4 PHP patients. The part-time fellow will carry a caseload of approximately 12-15 individual psychotherapy cases. Support groups, aftercare groups, and opportunities to develop new groups are available.
ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS INCLUDE:- Seminars & conferences: The fellowship position will include access to weekly didactics and case conferences to help deepen the clinicians’ knowledge of the topics pertinent to the perinatal population. Example topics include reproductive psychiatry, postpartum psychosis, best practices in the treatment of PMADs, infertility, birth trauma, the clinician’s pregnancy, psychedelic treatment, sex and intimacy, and perinatal loss.
- Supervision: One to three hours of individual supervision for psychotherapy cases will be provided, dependent on the caseload. All supervisors possess expertise in the field of perinatal psychology. Supervisions are held 1:1 and in a group supervision format. Theoretical and practical interventions include short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy, dyadic therapy, CBT/DBT, Axis II disorders and motherhood, couples/family therapy, case formulation, and professional development.
- Research opportunities: The postdoctoral fellow will have an opportunity to pursue research goals related to perinatal psychiatry or material related to ongoing research at The Motherhood Center. Possible opportunities include presentations at conferences, including posters and case presentations, as well as collaborating with The Motherhood Center team on ongoing research projects building the research base on the treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
- Competitive Benefits: In addition to a competitive salary, The Motherhood Center offers all full-time fellows twelve (12) paid vacation days, ten (10) additional paid holidays, and five (5) paid sick days per year of fellowship. All full-time fellows are eligible to enroll in health, dental, and vision benefits, which are partially subsidized by the company. Fellows are eligible to contribute to a 401K plan after they have been with the company for three months. There are also options to contribute to an FSA and/or commuter benefits.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: The Motherhood Center is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a community of diversity and inclusion amongst its staff, trainees, and clients. Our mission seeks to increase diversity across race, ethnicity, and national origins, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic background. Monthly Didactics, as well as small group supervision and 1:1 consultation, are dedicated to educating our entire staff and addressing clinical issues related to diversity and inclusion with an expert whose research centers on making sure that we have equity in mental health service delivery.
- Include a cover letter, personal statement, CV, a sample de-identified case summary with formulation & three letters of recommendation (two clinical and one academic) to the attention of Dr. Nicole Van Nortwick.
- Please email all materials together, not in separate messages.
- Please note that all applicants must have completed their internship and successfully defended their dissertation prior to beginning the Fellowship position.
- Start dates are contingent upon receipt of a limited permit and proof of liability insurance. Typical start dates are scheduled between July and September.
- Unfortunately, we cannot interview every applicant. The Motherhood Center is currently operating in a hybrid model due to COVID-19 precautions. Interviews may be conducted in person or virtually.
Reproductive Psychiatry Fellowship: Part Time or Full Time
Application Criteria:
Completed Adult Psychiatry Residency in good standing at ACGME accredited institution Adult Psychiatry Board certification eligible/board certified New York State license required.
Application process:
Please email the following documents:
Cover letter
Statement of interest
2 letters of recommendation
Please email all materials together. The application deadline is November 15, 2021. Interviews will be conducted throughout the fall.
Length of program & time commitment: 1-year, full-time position (40 hours per week) or part-time position (24 hours per week). The start date is projected for July 2023. Start dates can be flexible for off-track trainees.
Salary: The position has a standard base salary of $100,000+ per year for a full-time position, in addition to benefits provided to all Motherhood Center staff.
Description of setting: The Motherhood Center is a unique combination of an OMH-licensed Partial Hospital Program and an outpatient practice, co-located in a warm, modern setting in mid-town Manhattan. The Mother Center serves women with a wide range of psychiatric disorders who come from different age groups, and socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. The Motherhood Center is pleased to extend its commitment to excellence in academic training to fellowship applicants interested in learning how to treat perinatal women in both an acute, and partial hospital setting as well as in brief and long-term outpatient psychotherapy.
The Motherhood Center is an equal-opportunity employer and is deeply committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive community amongst its staff, trainees, and clients. We seek to increase diversity across race, ethnicity, national origins, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic background. We host monthly didactics that are dedicated to educating our entire staff and addressing clinical issues related to diversity and inclusion.
Description of agency mission: The Motherhood Center provides supportive mental health services for new and expecting moms, including a range of treatment options for women suffering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs). Staffed by experienced professionals, we take an interdisciplinary approach to evaluating and treating women before, during, and after pregnancy.
Description of standard fellowship experience: The Motherhood Center Women’s Mental Health Psychiatry Fellowship is a unique training experience that bridges women’s mental health in the perinatal period with an emphasis on attachment and dyadic work with the infant.
Conduct psychiatric intakes with diagnosis, treatment planning, and coordination of care.
Provide individual medication management.
Assess early childhood development and the quality of the mother-infant dyadic attachment in our on-site nursery.
Conduct and hone skills in individual psychotherapy for partial hospitalization programming in a number of modalities, with a specific focus on optimizing treatment for perinatal patients. Individual psychotherapy may be psychodynamic, behavioral, and/or dyadic in orientation.
Develop group psychotherapy skills in IPT, DBT, and/or Dyadic in orientation. Five groups run daily for partial hospitalization program patients. Fellows will have the opportunity to either co-lead and/or independently run group therapy sessions each week.
Learn family and couples therapy. Intensive supervision, with an expert in the field, focusing on various techniques addressing the management of current stressors, communication patterns, adjustment to new roles, and addressing adaptive and maladaptive intergenerational patterns in the family.
Receive supervision: Supervision will be provided for medication management, psychotherapy, group therapy, and psychiatric intakes. Weekly group medication management supervision with Dr. Catherine Birndorf/Dr. Albertini
Attend and participate in daily rounds with an interdisciplinary team of psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and medical practitioners.
Collaborate with all members of The Motherhood Center staff and interact with patients in both the partial hospitalization day program and outpatient program.
Outpatient experience: The fellow will treat pregnant and postpartum women who require treatment due to perinatal mood and anxiety symptoms, attachment/bonding issues, traumatic birth experiences, or acute psychiatric crises. Fellows will carry a full caseload of individual medication management +/-psychotherapy cases, conduct weekly psychiatric intakes, co-lead one group therapy session per week, and participate in dyadic and family/couples’ treatment in both the partial hospitalization program and the outpatient program.
Seminars & conferences: The fellowship position will include access to ongoing didactics and case conferences to help deepen the clinician’s knowledge in the following topics: perinatal psychiatry, short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy, dyadic therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, trauma, personality disorders, psychopharmacology, couples/family therapy, systems of care, case formulation and professional development. Additionally, fellows will participate in weekly didactics conducted by the National Curriculum for Reproductive Psychiatry.
Scholarly project: Over the course of the one-year fellowship, the fellow will be mentored in the development of a scholarly project of their choice, related to PMAD’s. This can include an independent research project, review article, case study, or book chapter. It may also include a presentation at a professional conference.
Supervision arrangements/ratio: The fellow will be provided with at least 4 hours of the following weekly supervision: Medication management, case formulation, individual psychotherapy, and group psychotherapy with Drs. Catherine Birndorf, Elizabeth Albertini, and Nicole Van Nortwick as well as other members of the team.
Women’s Mental Health PGY 4 Elective
Site Director/Host: Nicole Van Nortwick, PhD: Director of Outpatient Services & Clinical Training: Elizabeth Albertini, MD: Associate Director of Medical Training: Catherine Birndorf, MD: Medical Director: Description of Rotation: During the Women’s Health elective, residents will be exposed to a unique treatment setting that provides services for new and expecting mothers and their partners, including a range of treatment options for women experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. The resident will ultimately be expected to assess and manage these patients using various biological and psychosocial treatment modalities under general supervision from the Center’s staff. This rotation will include evaluating new and acute perinatal patients, seeing follow-up cases for medication management and some psychotherapy, participating in specialized evaluations such as pre-conception consultations, and co-leading groups in the perinatal partial hospital program. There will be an orientation for the resident at the outset of their rotation, weekly supervision, and participation in didactics. There are currently two “tracks” being offered that would cater to different interests of trainees. PHP track: Residents would elect to come for 5 days a week for 4-6 weeks, from 9 am until approximately 3 pm. They would participate in evaluations of new patients, manage a caseload of 2-3 PHP patients, co-lead groups, and participate in daily rounds. Outpatient track: A one-day-a-week rotation for a 6-month commitment (4 months would be considered on a case-by-case basis) from 9 am-5 pm. Emphasis would be on conducting evaluations, offering medication management, and utilizing psychotherapy interventions. Trainees would also have the opportunity to participate in weekly group therapy in the PHP program in order to gain knowledge of behavioral interventions used in this population. The knowledge, associated skills, and attitudes to be acquired during this elective, as part of the PGY-4 year of residency in order to demonstrate progress toward achievement of the core competencies are: Patient Care – residents will be expected to:- Refine their performance of the psychiatric interview and of the mental status examination to incorporate special attention to the issues pertinent in women in the peripartum period. They will be expected to integrate this information into a bio-psycho-social formulation that is specific to each patient’s illness and presentation.
- Formulate and document appropriate diagnoses utilizing the criteria in the DSM-5, including but not limited to depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD, and bipolar disorders.
- Recognize any co-occurring psychiatric, psychological, interpersonal, and medical, disorders which may occur in women during their pre-conception or peripartum periods.
- Identify and recommend appropriate pharmacological treatment for diagnosed psychiatric disorders and be able to properly consent the patient for their use, including, at a minimum, the indications, side effects, risks and benefits. The resident must be able to participate in an informed and compassionate conversation about the indication of medications in this patient populations.
- Collaborate with the patient’s obstetrical providers when appropriate and when consented to by the patient.
- Recognize the necessity of inpatient psychiatric referral when present.
- Refine their knowledge of the DSM-5 criteria for peripartum mood and anxiety disorders, sexual dysfunctions, relationship distress with a spouse or intimate partner, spouse or partner abuse or violence, phase of life problems, problems related to unwanted pregnancies or multiparity, and other conditions that are diagnosed.
- Understand the unique impact that hormones in the peripartum period can have on a patient’s mental state and /or mood.
- Be sensitized to the presentation of postpartum psychosis, infanticidal fantasies, or suicidal ideations.
- Understand the difference between the “baby blues” (i.e., normal adjustment to childbirth) and PMADs.
- Understand the changes that may be necessary with psychopharmacologic medication dosing before, during, and after childbirth as a result of the changes in the volume of distribution of the mother.
- Recognize the signs and symptoms of any substance use disorders in the mother or the newborn.
- Be introduced to concepts of Attachment Theory and Dyadic Treatment.
- Become familiar with the concept of Adverse Childhood Events (ACE’s) and how to identify them in the context of the new mother.
- Use information technology to access online medical information related to treatment of illnesses and conditions that affect women.
- Refine their skills in collaborating with other healthcare professionals in the fundamentals of supportive therapy for perinatal conditions.
- Evaluate, measure, and utilize at least three measures of clinical effectiveness during the rotation. The resident would be expected to work with their supervisor to devise possibilities.
- Be able to function independently with minimal supervision from the attending.
- Refine their communication skills with female patients and their partners about their ongoing treatment and goals for the future.
- Empathize with patients suffering from perinatal mood disorders so as to understand the effect of the illness/condition on their lives.
- Communicate with other treatment providers, both at the Center and on the patient’s healthcare team.
- Work with the Center’s staff to determine the best discharge plan for the patient.
- Write clear, legible, well-organized, accurate and appropriately detailed psychiatric notes, evaluations and consults when necessary in a timely manner.
- Arrive on time to perform the psychiatric evaluations, see follow up patients, and participate in other modalities of care of the Center.
- Inform the supervising attending at the beginning of the month of the times that the resident will be unavailable due to meetings, vacation, patient care responsibilities, etc.
- Relate to patients, their family and concerned others with compassion, respect, and professional integrity
- Develop the necessary objectivity, initiative, judicious decision making, and foresight inherent in the role of more complex and responsible patient care and administrative positions.
- Gain experience and understanding of the frequently complex medical, vocational, financial, and psychosocial needs of families during this time in their lives.
- Gain experience and understanding of different women’s health programs available to patients in the community.
- Gain experience in placement of patients in aftercare programs in both the inpatient and outpatient setting.
- Be familiar with different insurance issues that may arise during care.
- Be familiar with resources available through groups such as:
- The Office of Women’s Health:
- The National Institute of Mental Health: topics/women-and-mental-health/index.shtml
- The World Health Organization:
- The American Psychiatric Association: psychiatrists/practice/professional-interests/women
- Postpartum Support International:
- MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health:
- Clinical Teaching
- Role Modeling
- Individual Supervision
- Reading Material Provided
- Resident’s Global Performance Evaluation - by Attending
- Evaluation of Teaching Faculty
- Evaluation of Clinical Rotation
- Annual Psychiatry Residency Program Evaluation
- Rating scales and interval comparison
- Patient Surveys
- Clinical Interviews
- Discharge criteria
- Resident receives daily supervision from the service attending. All cases seen by resident are supervised by the attending. This supervision includes discussion of diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient. There is also time allocated separately to discuss any other questions that arise in the context of substance use not necessarily related to the patients seen that day.
- At least one case conference or journal article presentation during didactic hour
- Relevant literature to be provided